Voici l’expression idiomatique de cette semaine :


Have someone’s back

  1. To be prepared and willing to support or defend someone.

If you ever need help, just ask. You know I have your back.

Have (get) someone’s back

At the Oscar ceremony, when a winner was on stage, we often heard him or her say: « Thank you John, with you I always knew that you got my back. » This person was thankful to a co-worker.

Have (got) (someone’s) back

To be willing and prepared to help or defend someone; to look out for someone in case he or she needs assistance. Don’t worry about those thugs, buddy. I’ve got your back if they ever come bother you again. You can always rely on your parents to have your back.

See also: back, have
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
